Monday, 24 March 2014

The Magic Box

By Sanika

I will put in the box
The shimmering turquoise colour of the Pacific Ocean ,
The fluffiest fluff of cloud from heaven,
The greenery of the woods with a crystal blue lake.

I will put in my box
The feel of the rough net of an Anar Kali,
The smell of rose candles melting,
The sound of a silky harp.

I will put in my box
A sudden crunch of cream and onion chips,
The squeak of an oily saucisson de Toulouse,
Fresh salty sushi going in my mouth.

I will put in my box
A bright summer’s day in the woods,
The bluest drop of water from lake Lucerne,
The whitest frost of Antarctica.

I will put in my box
Me relaxing on a warm comfy bed with  rose petals on it,
The freshness of the mountain stream,
 A secrete chamber made from amber.

My box is fashioned from gold, silver,
bronze and platinum with a carved butterfly,
With some jades, jaspers rose quartz and emeralds.

I shall swim in a crystal blue lake
with a secrete chamber
leading to precious stones and jewel world

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